Autumn: Staying Healthy in the Dry, Windy, and Cool Weather


We are now entering Autumn, the time of the Metal Element in Chinese thought and medicine. Autumn usually comes abruptly, and it is easy to see why the ancient Chinese considered this the “fastest-moving” time of the year. Having just moved through the Harvest period, and having received the fruits of her labor, Nature is letting go of the burden of productivity that She has carried around since the Spring. This is the best time of year for us, as well, to look back on what we have completed, or on what will no longer serve us as we move forward, and to bring some things to a close. The Fall brings out our reflective qualities, helping us take stock of what we have accomplished in the last year.


Here are some suggestions for the Autumn:

  • Make sure you keep yourself warm. There may be a reluctance to give up some of the clothes we wore just a few weeks ago, but for many people this time of the year is when vulnerability to catching colds is at its highest.
  • Reduce the amount of fruits and vegetables now. Avoid things that are out-of-season, such as spinach, fresh greens, summer squash, and other things that ripened weeks and months ago. Focus on proteins, grains, potatoes, root vegetables, winter squashes, sweet potatoes, and in-season fruits, especially pears since they’re a great lung food.


  • Also avoid tropical fruits, such as bananas and oranges, and out-of-season fruits, such as grapes and cherries.
  • It is fine if you feel that your appetite is increasing. You can use more sweet and salty foods that will keep you feeling grounded. Reduce the amount of spicy foods, as these can stress the lungs and colon at this time of year.
  • Because of the dryness in the air, make sure you keep drinking plenty of water. Not only your skin, but your whole system can feel the dryness.
  • Along with the Spring, this is the best time of year to do a cleaning-out of your home, office, etc. Autumn is about simplification and getting rid of things we no longer need.
  • This is also the time of year when your body is doing a clean-out, so Autumn is associated with the body’s elimination systems. Your lungs expel waste products as does your colon. These form the organ partnership of Autumn and their job is elimination.

Scanned Elimination Organs

  • Don’t be surprised if you feel a desire to sleep more. It is best to honor that desire and give your body the rest it needs. The ancient Chinese classics suggest that in the Autumn we “retire early in the evening and rise early in the morning.”

We identify the season when the leaves begin to change colors and fall from the trees. It’s the Metal Element. Autumn is a time of preparation for the coming winter, a time of chopping firewood, a time of identifying staples in the larder that need replenishing or replacing.

It’s a time of year when we’re meant to focus on our values. What we keep and what we discard is determined by reflecting on our values. If you’re cleaning out the garage, and you discover something that’s broken, you have to decide whether to fix it and keep it or get rid of it. We often struggle to throw things away, but it helps us to do so. When we allow the release of an idea or an object (get rid of shit) in our lives, our lungs can take a breath of inspiration and our load is lightened.

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